
Listing Tools

Listed by SellBoston Team of SellBoston LLC

Sold by Hanneman Gonzales Penney Gould of Compass
Welcome to One Dartmouth Place. The exceptional quality of construction is immediately recognized upon entering this corner single family home. Located in the heart of the Golden-Triangle, arguably the best sub-neighborhood of the South End, this home is destined to be your South End utopia. Meticulously renovated and restored this home is sun-filled and lives large. Featuring 3 bedrooms, 2 stone-clad bathrooms, a glass office, a breathtaking powder room, an enormous backyard, large parking space and an extraordinary glass deck. The systems make this home sing; each room is individually temperature controlled (10 zones total), copper water supply lines, Sonos surround-sound, camera and AV system already in place, fresh air intake system and electricity for an EV charger to name a few. A home like this is a rare opportunity and usually custom built. The homes detailed craftsmanship and design will undoubtedly be appreciated by the most discerning and design-savvy individuals

Property Details of 1 Dartmouth Place, South End

Property Details

Exterior Features

Utilities and Appliances

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