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Ask Charles Cherney - Question #46 - What is the residential tax rate in Cambridge, MA?

What is the 2025 residential tax rate
in Cambridge, Massachusetts?

For fiscal year 2025, the residential tax rate in Cambridge, MA is $6.35 per $1,000 of assessed value.

The 2025 residential tax rate in Cambridge reflects an increase from 2024 of 43 cents per $1,000 of assessed value, or 7.3% from last year.

For fiscal year 2025, the residential exemption is $499,263. The full residential exemption reduces a homeowner's taxes by $3,170 in 2025. The residential exemption is for owners who reside in their Cambridge property and file a Massachusetts income tax return using that address. You are eligible for a residential exemption if you owned and occupied your property as your primary residence as of January 1, 2024. More than two-thirds of residential properties in Cambridge are owner-occupied.

CLICK HERE for city of Cambridge residential tax rate information from 1998 through 2020.

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